Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Currently, a lot of thing has happened.
From me writing for mathNews, me going to WIM, hanging out with Jasmine and the guys everyday hahaha, went to karaoke, went to Toronto, being emo, went to eat ye's sushi, and again.. hanging out at mathsoc!

I've written twice for mathNews now. It's quite fun considering I get pizza every production night :D sigh... sometimes I know what I want to write about but then I just don't know how to start... so cruel!

once, we had this WIM spa/games night. I had a tattoo made by Kendra :D It's so pretty!!!
and I had my finger nails polished in different colors too!!

I also went for Karaoke with the guys and one time, I got so emo that I kept on crying the whole night. sigh.. WOMEN!!! why do we have to be so emo! gahhh.... but the night went better after hot pot and some talking with Andy while the others were playing wii in my living room. haha it was fun.. and we had to kill flies that somehow were bombarding my living room. Throughout this whole time I haven't wrote anything, 2 of my hamsters died AGAIN! one of them were the girls.. geezz what's up!!!! so aggressive!!

We just went out to ye's sushi last saturday. Fun considering there were 8 ppl on the table and 6 guys.. hahaha too many ppl so we ordered like tons of sushi and a lot of other stuff. Me and Jasmine were addicted to the edamame and we called it "the green thing with crystal meth" hahaha it was a joke! We were also talking about charity ball because we had no dates :p so funny!!! and then when we were done, we went with Dmitry's car to Chester's house to play Dungeons and Dragons. And Chester and Matt has a cat that actually pushed my boots down to dust and it got dirty :( it was UGGS!! and I got a little bit mad coz it was still new.. Then I went home at like around 11 30 because I just follow Dmitry in his car. My place is the furthest from the other ppl.

So the week before sushi.. I went to Toronto and got to meet up with some of my friends. I was supposed to go there with the 9 am bus from UW, but then I overslept and went with the 1 30 bus instead. I got there around 3 30 and started shopping at Hollister. By 1 1/2 hrs, I already got a few shopping bags. hahaha RECORD! I was with handoko at that time and then went around and got to eat at salad king! :D yipee.. and went around and bought my UGGS.. AT LAST!! I was waiting to buy it and I feel like Toronto's price is cheaper than here *but still expensive* so I bought it. It's the longest one and in chestnut color. *Hence, why I was kinda pissed when the cat knocked it down* but then turns out that it was kinda my fault too coz I put it beside that cat's food. hahahaha.. I got to buy the 168 green tea + aloe drink that I really like. It's so expensive they sell it for 3.99 a bottle + tax in school... and when I went to 168 shop in Toronto with my friends, it was like only 1.69 + tax per bottle, so I bought 5 of them. 2 for Jasmine 3 for me :D Then, I went back home with Jasmine. It's so much fun. haha We had another heart to heart talk in the bus till once the bus driver scolded us because Jasmine was laughing/shouting kind of loud. :p but it's ok...

As for hanging out at mathsoc, I took a pic of us in mathsoc one day. FOR FUN! Today everything just got more interesting.. I don't think I can say it here but it's so interesting hahaha!!! Now, mathsoc is like my second home. So if you can't find me at school, best bet is to look at mathsoc first.
So for the next few weeks if I'm not writing, I'm probably going to be at mathsoc again. My plan is to go to Toronto on halloween for ci Angel's bachelorette party. Should be exciting! hehehe :D and charity ball and math leader banquet. hopefully I get a date :D *crossing my fingers*


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