Wednesday, September 03, 2008

It's almost a month of me not writing in this blog again.

So orientation week have began since Sunday but I have been busy like 2 weeks before that because I was helping out Kaelyn and then I had my driving course (theory part). It's exciting :D

O-week started and I'm already tired on the first day because I had to hand out bracelets and I didn't get to sit for a long time. My betis and my thighs were getting cramps. Then for the second day, which is on Monday, I get to sit down more. and yea I made new friends ^^ loadz of them.

We had a leader send-off party on sunday night. It was okay but I mean the music was TOO LOUD!!! It made my ears have some beating sound. It's deafening and I was getting headache because of it. I was hanging out with Joanna there. Then we did our math dance like at the end of the day and left after we were done.

So then on monday, the central reg was done at 6. So me and a few more ppl who were helping out went over to get burgers and then went back again to help clean up. I went back home, did my laundry, washed my gear and then went to sleep.

So yesterday, which is a tuesday, I was supposed to meet at school at 7:30 in the morning. I guess I was too tired so I woke up at 7:30. sigh.... felt so bad but it's okay. Turns out that everyone were signing up for shifts for monte carlo. sigh... and I didn't get to do that. and I felt bad again!!! well the day was running okay. I was with Catherine doing superhero costume. It was fun watching the first years making costumes for the leaders and we get to grade them. After we were done with the day, me, Diana, Bryanne, Lyle and Didy went to eat. It was fun haha and then I went back home.

So now I'm planning to go to Conestoga mall soon so that I can buy a nice pair of shoes for tomorrow's monte carlo night. I'm so excited but felt bad because I don't know who am I going to be partnered with. :( so sad... But yea... hopefully everything turns out well. and tonight I have to go back to school at 6 for another event. I guess I have to get ready soon.

I'll write soon and I'll write bout monte carlo later on. I found a cute guy yesterday!! so happy :p hahaha I'm crazy... I just remembered that I can get my new dress today :D that's good ^^

yesterday, I got a lot of hugs which made me so happy ^^ especially from someone :D hehe

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