Monday, July 21, 2008

So, it has been around almost a week since I last wrote in here. It feels so fast. Anyways... not a lot of things happened, but it was all okay.

So, I managed to tell what I was feeling to the guy. Well, I kinda feel bad but that's what I had to do. So, I'm just feeling a little bit sorry.

So on thursday, I had this volunteer meeting for student life 101 so that I can meet the ppl that are going to be in my team Kirby :D Only 6 ppl showed up but it was good. Then I stayed until like around 10 with Joanna to help out with the brochures.

Well, that morning, after class, I went to federation xpress a.k.a fedex, to buy ice cream. And I saw 2 of my fav ice cream and i thought i could have a little bit of everything but then I was given like a very big bowl with loadz of ice cream and it only cost like $2.18. it was so good.

<-- combination of choco chip cookie dough and strawberry cheesecake :D yummy and this is like half of everything. So then on friday, I was actually very tired.

So I managed to stay awake until around 4 because I was waiting for my DS to finish charging and I went to sleep. Then, I woke up at around 8 and watched tv with my air con on. it feels so good. and I ate the bomber pizza that I bought earlier in the morning. Now I believe Cora that they have the best crust ^^ it doesn't taste like pizza pizza's crust. It's like tim horton's biscuit's taste. It's yummy. Even the bbq sauce is so different. Everything is good :D. Then I went back to sleep again like around 2 and managed to wake up around 6 on sat for student life 101. I prepared myself and I went to school. Everything starts and I didn't know that my allergies towards my sun screen would show up. (I only found out that it was allergies towards my sun screen until I remembered the same thing happened for Canada day). Then, I started going crazy about this cute guy. Well, he was doing a skit with me in the same group and I always melt whenever I see him >< :p Well then I hung out with Marie, Cynthia, Leslie, Tiffany and not that much with Nancy and Wendi. We were joking around. I kept on tickling Tiffany and she kept on saying I'm cute. haha it was so funny. Then I was talking about celebrating my 20th on the 20th next year. See, this is gonna be special and I want the special ppl to be there.

I actually took a pic with Marie and the school's mascot when he was coming out of PAC. :D I've never seen the mascot before so I looked like a little girl who really wanted to get a pic with mickey mouse. hahaha

After everything was done, I went back home and like took a shower and put an after sun gel on my allergies. It felt better and I went to wash my dishes coz my kitchen starts to stink a little. Then I fed my hamsters and watched tv for a while coz I accidentally wet my clothes. Then I actually fell asleep coz I was too tired like around 8. Then I went to bed. Managed to wake up like around 9 the next morning. I was going to continue sleeping but I thought to myself that I've been sleeping for too long and I'm starting to get dizzy. So I walked towards my computer and started doing my CS assignment. In the afternoon like around 1, Jasmine called me and asked if I wanted to go watch dark knight. and I'm like sure :D So me, Jasmine and Zi went to watch the movie. We sat like almost at the front because of the not-so-nice grandma. and we thought that grandmas are supposed to be nice. The movie was so cool, I swear that I can't stop looking at Christian Bale. He's so cute >< but he is married... what's with all these cute guys and the married status.. sigh!!

So yea that's kind of the whole story till now. :D hehe :p I'll write again later


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