Tuesday, July 15, 2008


So yesterday I made some cookies for fun coz I was so lazy to do my homework, don't know why. I've been nervous since yesterday like until probably this morning. Plus, I had a kind of weird dream. Well more or less made me couldn't go back to sleep again.

The pic on the left is the cookie that I made. Well, it still on the baking sheet since yesterday because I feel pity to eat them :p
It sucks that my brother won't even try it. :( although it's quite good :D toopid brother!! :p

Somehow I just feel like crying right now ><>< Without them, I would be reckless.

Miss Cherie... I miss u so much.. I told you >< I really want to hug you right now. I miss you A LOT LOT LOT <3
Mo, thx for understanding everything that I've been telling you. Somehow, we are always on the same page.
Sel, although you're so far away >< I still miss you though sometimes I don't talk to u in msn for soooo long. It's fun to talk to you again.
Pris, come back here soon so it's easier to tell you everything ><
Angel, thx for listening to me every lunch time. You never said anything and yet you still listen to me. ><

I'm in a huge dilemma right now and I don't know what to do ><>< help!! Somehow in class today, I managed to day dream although I was listening carefully throughout the lecture. I day dreamed that I would be making plans to go out with cherie back home. Go out with our family to have dinner together or something.

sigh and I just can't forget part of two songs that I really like.

"you'll always be a part of me, i'm a part of you indefinitely"
" who doesn't long for someone to hold; who knows how to love you without being told"

It's just so beautiful >< the words really got into me that it makes me almost cry.

anyways, I'm gonna try fixing my homework now.. i'll write again next time


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