Sunday, July 13, 2008

It has been quite a few days since I've updated my blog.

So, what I've done recently:
- Stat 231 midterm
- CS 241 assignment
- Orientation Leader Conference
- Team Leader meeting (Student Life 101)

So for my midterm, I'm quite confident that I will get a good grade *crossing my fingers*. I believe I understood things more than before. Because stats midterm was on thursday night, I was struggling with cs 241 assignment that's due on friday. I just realized that I did it wrong on thursday night when I posted something on the news group and I was like *sigh..* and I had to redo it until 4:30 a.m and it wasn't still right. When I was about to sleep, the lightning, thunder, and rain came. First the lightning strike so bright (because I didn't have any curtains on my window) and the thunder was rolling so loud. I got kind of scared and I had to sleep. So, I decided to cover my head with my blanket. I managed to sleep and woke up at 7:30 a.m. Then, I went to school for my tutorial session. Guess what, my TA was late when I thought I was going to be late to class. So I just read the mathNews and read Chester's recipe. It's quite good, so I decided that I want to try making it :D hehe. (Maybe if I succeed, I can cook it for my parents when they come here and they can be proud of me :D )

So then after the tutorial, I went to the prof and asked for help and he told me to add some more stuff. Still, I didn't manage to get it right until like 5 p.m. So I went back home and asked my brother to help me. Finally I got it done and me and my brother went to east side mario's to eat. It was good :D I got salad and a desert with very delicious custard on it. yumm (thinking of it makes me want to go there and eat it again). When I got back home, I was thinking about sleeping but instead, I watched "Virgin Snow" at mysoju. The characters were not that beautiful but it was some movie. Almost made me cry but didn't. The girl is innocent though. And I turned on my alarm clock and slept.

As expected (if I didn't turn on the radio alarm), I woke up late. Like when I was supposed to wake up (7:30), I just woke up and turned off the alarm from the cell and went back to sleep. Probably because I was too tired and I only got like 3 hours of sleep the night before. I felt so guilty and I woke up at 11:30 a.m. I was late for my OLC. I felt so bad so I rushed and went to school. I was sweating like a pig when I was reaching MC. Lucky I don't have to pay for any fees because at least I came for one session. So bad... hahaha

Then today came. Well, on friday night I told my mom to just talk on skype again on monday morning (Canada time) but then she called me like around 9 in the morning and she's like "so you still want to sleep" and I'm like thinking and said "hmm no i'll wake up" just so that I won't wake up late again like yesterday and miss the Team Leader meeting. After talking to my mom for some time, my mom was like "talk to your sister, you haven't talked to her for some time now" and my sister was like "sis, what's your weight" hahaha and obviously my sister being fat, she said "3 kg difference" it was so funny! Then we talked about her DS coz she got a new console now. Whew imagine when I was her age, even we didn't have internet. I only got to play those games from the CD. I only got my first email when I got to junior high. hahaha even my sister said "my friends in school have them" i'm like... "okay then she wanted one obviously because of her friends". sigh... influences. Then my sister told me that my maid would be going back to her home town and getting married and her sister would come and work for her position instead and i'm like so sad. I didn't get to meet her for like a long time and when i go back, she won't be there anymore :( huhuhu

anyways, then when i was talking to my sister, she was like "how are your hamsters" and i posted like an old picture of cotton ball in skype and my sister was like "eeee so cute!!!" hahaha then I posted another picture of cotton ball and she's like "so small" hahhaa and i'm like now it's big and very naughty. hahaha Then, out of my expectation someone really special to my heart actually messaged me through facebook. We actually chatted in msn and I never knew that he actually still cared. I really want to hug him now.. but our distance is so far, it's too difficult. Well, I just want to say "thx for making my day". I thought that I would never find him anymore because when I sms-ed him a few years ago, he never replied me. Turns out that he didn't use his cell anymore. I feel so happy now. I'm blessed that I got to meet him. Well, any girl who is going to end up with him, will be a very lucky girl. He cares a lot now. I wish that I could be with him but I can't. Well maybe if we were fated to be together, then I will.

So then I went to the team leader meeting. Now I've been listening to "Tell me it's real - K-Ci and jojo" because I just can't believe that this is real. Everything is coming back all over again. All the memories that happened. I feel very blessed. The first time that we actually talked after that day being a path liner. Well, if he reads this blog, I wish that he knows that I really treasure him a lot.

I'm gonna update my blog again next time when something happens. I just felt that today was very meaningful to me. Especially the things that he told me. I wished that time would never end. I'm also flattered because he gave me something that no one could have. Hopefully, when I go back to Jakarta one day, I can actually go out with him (maybe like on a date haha).

okay i have to stop day dreaming now. Anyways, I'm gonna try to think about my next CS homework again now.


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