Monday, June 23, 2008


I'm at school right now.. well.. I had a dream last sat night.. I'm going to write it in Indonesian well coz' i'm too terrified to write it in english :p

jadi last sat I got a review session and I was too tired so I went back home and went to bed directly.. slept for like 10 hours?? hahaha anyways.. my dream was:
gw pegi kemana gitu deh.. terus tiba2 ketemu sama TAnya (yang ngajarin review session itu). Tau2 kita sama2 demen each other.. haha terus kita hang out padahal I still got pacar.. terus, TAnya bilang "ah nanti juga kita bklan go out" and I still have the clear view of his face in my dream.. (kayak muka dia didepan mukaku gitu). terus akhirnya kita jadian gitu deh ntah gimana.. wew terus langsung bangun dhe.. langsung deg2an

bgaimana ini??? kepikiran terus lagi.. untung ga pernah mimpiin guruku yang ganteng itu >< OMG!!! kalo iya sih bisa gila hahaha gurunya dah married!! so anyways jadi the next day, I langsung add TAnya di facebook deh :p hahaha jeger!!! tapi blm di accept sih.. sangking deg2an, every minute facebook pagenya di refresh terus :p hahahahaha... ntar malem ada review session lagi jadi ketemu TAnya lagi deh.. mau nggak mau soalnya gurunya dha ga ada office hours..

well, now I'll write back in english again.
so, today I came to school like in the morning around 10 25 and like directly go to my prof's office. There were like 2 students earlier than me (I didn't know that I actually can come earlier). So, I had like this 1.5 page long of questions (but skip one line per question). I already prepared it since yesterday.. wew.. and I had a few questions from the review sessions. In total it took like 1 hour.. so bad!! I made one guy come and go because of my long questions.. so bad >< so anyways I apologized to my prof and he was like "it's okay you came first" so i just smiled :D hehe he's so NICE!!!!

so then, after i found out that he was going to go to a meeting after finish teaching me, I was like rushing coz' I felt bad making him teaching me more than the office hours. Then I left, and he left too. In the mid way, I just remembered one question that I wanted to ask.. dehhh I forgot.. coz he was like "is that it" (after all that long questions) hahaha he's like so happy to teach me.. and he's like "well if you want you can email me and see if I have time for office hours but I can't promise. for tomorrow i don't think i can because i have to teach" i'm like it's okay coz there's the review session tonight. If I don't know then I can just email the teacher and he can reply me by email. :D wee soo happy to have a very nice prof :D I felt like just taking the exam after he taught me this morning. It's like I'm ready for the midterm.. hahaha I just don't want to forget stuff tomorrow when I'm doing the midterm. I hate it when that happens..

so i'm going to continue my studying now.. wish me luck :D hope you get well soon say!!! have fun with the intern :D ^^


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