Today's New Year's eve!!!!
I can't believe that it's been a year since last year. whew! Looking back, there's sure a lot of things that happened that changed me. Also, with summer going by so fast, I kinda want summer to come back again.
I looked back through my list on the blog, and discovered that I've achieved some of them :) and going to make new ones for next year. Like I wrote in my status for gtalk, new year, new resolutions, a new way of thinking.
* Think big!
* Satisfied with what I have
* Don't procrastinate
* get my G2
* Not think too much about the small stuff
* Be nicer
* Lose weight
* Love myself
Those are my old resolutions. hmm but I'll just not dwell on the past.
I feel like such a bad friend. I haven't been talking as much with cherie :( But deep down in my heart, she's still my best friend. I guess it's because we're both far apart, and we're busy with our own stuff. So it feels kinda bad if I only message her after not talking with her for so long. I can't believe our friend-a-versary is coming up soon again!!! 7 years? say, if you're reading this, I really miss you!! ><
Other than that, my sister is here again this christmas. We've been spending time a lot and she's so funny. I got so scared with my marks and I kept bugging her and telling her that I'm so scared. and she would just tell me not to worry.
Yesterday, I was told by my dad to check all of my sister's math homework and make her do corrections on it. OMG I spent around 5 hours correcting them and still have some more to do today. Although I should be getting ready soon so that I can go out later at night :)
Oh, I got a new christmas tree this year. I guess, it's Nathan's and my christmas tree. It's 6'5" tall!! whew!! and it's pre-lit too :D so nice! and I keep on having more ornaments... especially those precious moments ornaments. I love them so much :D
Well, I guess I'm starting to not make any sense now, so I'll be going and probably make some more entries later :)
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
So... I apologize for not writing for at least 2 months.
As some people know, I've found someone now :p good stuff. I'm so happy :D but at the same time, my head is messing around with my feelings. It's annoying.. why do I have to be so sensitive.. it sucks! :(
School ends, and marks are coming out next week too. :( monday.... it's scary... makes me nervous every time I stay at home. I just hope that I pass all of the 3 courses that I took. I really don't want to retake the courses again :( I'll feel so stupid
well, yesterday I was sooo bored.. I swear I didn't know what to do since Jasmine went back to Montreal, Carey went to Ottawa, Nicole went to NB, Chester's still having his exams, etc... basically, everyone is not here or they're busy. It was very warm too yesterday. So I decided on biking.. so bored that I biked to Andre's place. the weather was nice that I used shorts :D woohoo!!! at least I got some exercise too from biking :D yay!
today, I woke up and then chatted with Jasmine on msn. I wanted to get gelato.. so I asked my brother if he wanted to come with me and he said okay. So we biked, and I didn't have to use any jacket :D but then.... suddenly the sky turned gloomy and the wind started to blow strongly. So we directly biked home from uptown waterloo and then got home at the perfect time since after 10 minutes we got back, the rain started to pour, and there was thunderstorm. it was so bad. the wind was blowing so hard.. like crazy. it was like someone was intentionally pouring water from a bucket to my windows. so I decided to close the window in the kitchen. I thought it wasn't going to be that hard that I can just leave the window open.
Oh well, but it's all good :D I got myself 1/2 liter of gelato. Strawberry cheesecake and Dark Chocolate toffee. It's actually good except for the dark chocolate. It was so bitter that I swore not to eat it anymore. Well, but i'm still eating the gelato part. It's good ;D and there's still a lot of left overs!! ^^ weeee :D
I think I should continue writing my novel now :D although I'm partly watching HIMYM season 4 from the beginning again since my downloads is not done... don't know why it's taking so long :( boohoo... and I should also catch up with some blog readings
anyways, I'll write again later on :D when something exciting happens ^^
As some people know, I've found someone now :p good stuff. I'm so happy :D but at the same time, my head is messing around with my feelings. It's annoying.. why do I have to be so sensitive.. it sucks! :(
School ends, and marks are coming out next week too. :( monday.... it's scary... makes me nervous every time I stay at home. I just hope that I pass all of the 3 courses that I took. I really don't want to retake the courses again :( I'll feel so stupid
well, yesterday I was sooo bored.. I swear I didn't know what to do since Jasmine went back to Montreal, Carey went to Ottawa, Nicole went to NB, Chester's still having his exams, etc... basically, everyone is not here or they're busy. It was very warm too yesterday. So I decided on biking.. so bored that I biked to Andre's place. the weather was nice that I used shorts :D woohoo!!! at least I got some exercise too from biking :D yay!
today, I woke up and then chatted with Jasmine on msn. I wanted to get gelato.. so I asked my brother if he wanted to come with me and he said okay. So we biked, and I didn't have to use any jacket :D but then.... suddenly the sky turned gloomy and the wind started to blow strongly. So we directly biked home from uptown waterloo and then got home at the perfect time since after 10 minutes we got back, the rain started to pour, and there was thunderstorm. it was so bad. the wind was blowing so hard.. like crazy. it was like someone was intentionally pouring water from a bucket to my windows. so I decided to close the window in the kitchen. I thought it wasn't going to be that hard that I can just leave the window open.
Oh well, but it's all good :D I got myself 1/2 liter of gelato. Strawberry cheesecake and Dark Chocolate toffee. It's actually good except for the dark chocolate. It was so bitter that I swore not to eat it anymore. Well, but i'm still eating the gelato part. It's good ;D and there's still a lot of left overs!! ^^ weeee :D
I think I should continue writing my novel now :D although I'm partly watching HIMYM season 4 from the beginning again since my downloads is not done... don't know why it's taking so long :( boohoo... and I should also catch up with some blog readings
anyways, I'll write again later on :D when something exciting happens ^^
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
okay.. so I have been slacking off in updating my blog. :p but I've been writing a novel recently. It's kinda fun, but I mean like I get bored sometimes. hehe so here is the website if you want to check it out.
yipee!!! I just got back from LA too!! yay I got to see my cousin!! :D
anyways, I'm gonna probably continue my novel now :D
yipee!!! I just got back from LA too!! yay I got to see my cousin!! :D
anyways, I'm gonna probably continue my novel now :D
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Good morning!! yay :D
I'm at school and feeling happy today :D So I decided on writing about some random stuff :D yipee ^^
Well, I should be happy anyways right, so here are some reasons why
1. I have friends and family that loves me
2. I have best friends who understands me
3. I have a cousin who lends her ears to me when I need it
4. I've learned to let go of the past and focus on the present
5. Everything is good in its own special way
yay :D good reasons right? :D so I shouldn't feel sad anymore about the small stuff... that's my new year's resolution :D so i have to follow it ^^ it's all good :D well, I'm gonna find something to do then ^^
I'm at school and feeling happy today :D So I decided on writing about some random stuff :D yipee ^^
Well, I should be happy anyways right, so here are some reasons why
1. I have friends and family that loves me
2. I have best friends who understands me
3. I have a cousin who lends her ears to me when I need it
4. I've learned to let go of the past and focus on the present
5. Everything is good in its own special way
yay :D good reasons right? :D so I shouldn't feel sad anymore about the small stuff... that's my new year's resolution :D so i have to follow it ^^ it's all good :D well, I'm gonna find something to do then ^^
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tears of darkness
Tears of sorrow
one drop of tear
could make my heart broken
Why is this happening to me right now?
when I am at the top of my game,
when I am feeling the most of my luck
what have I done to deserve this?
Well, there's nothing that I can do
but to watch you from far away
laughing with her and joking around
while I just looked over and try to say goodbye
Tears of sorrow
one drop of tear
could make my heart broken
Why is this happening to me right now?
when I am at the top of my game,
when I am feeling the most of my luck
what have I done to deserve this?
Well, there's nothing that I can do
but to watch you from far away
laughing with her and joking around
while I just looked over and try to say goodbye
Dear whoever, whatever
kenapa sih susah amat mau suka sama seseorang??? WHY???
gimana ceritanya kalo temen baikmu sendiri... kerjaannya flirting terus sama cowo yang lu suka? udah gitu... dia juga suka sama cowo lain.. gmn caranya ga bete sih??
There's only 1 person yang gw bisa kasih tau tentang orang yang gw suka ini... my cousin.. ahhh bingung.. does he like me? does he like someone else? tau ah pusing.... ><
I think I should stop ranting now. I should be happy!!! because it's chinese new year :D yay!! anyways.. I should send in articles for mathnews now :D
kenapa sih susah amat mau suka sama seseorang??? WHY???
gimana ceritanya kalo temen baikmu sendiri... kerjaannya flirting terus sama cowo yang lu suka? udah gitu... dia juga suka sama cowo lain.. gmn caranya ga bete sih??
There's only 1 person yang gw bisa kasih tau tentang orang yang gw suka ini... my cousin.. ahhh bingung.. does he like me? does he like someone else? tau ah pusing.... ><
I think I should stop ranting now. I should be happy!!! because it's chinese new year :D yay!! anyways.. I should send in articles for mathnews now :D
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Dear bloggy,
so my birthday passed by.. so now I'm old >< :( so sad.... well, but it's okay. means that I should be wiser and be better at understanding things :D well anyways...
on my birthday, we went to Ben Thanh :D it was so AWESOME :D and then we went to sweet dreams afterwards and guess what we played??? CLUE!! woohoo!! I love that game so much that Nicole bought me the game :D hehehe and I was trying to get american idol wii karaoke game by saving money and Jasmine got it for me :D Meto bought me a very nice cardigan from AE that I really love :D yipee!!! Andrew, Jeff, Ray got me crocs that has like a layer for winter :D how AWESOME is that?? Chester baked me a Joyce cookie :D hahaha there's like tons of good stuff that I get :D
I feel so lucky!! esp this year and last year :D I keep on getting what I want :D yipee ^^ I have so much luck :D I have to keep this... maybe soon I'll find that person!! :D yay :D
so on thursday (the week of my birthday), I went to the aerie store in Conestoga mall. I was searching for tank tops on tuesday when I went with Jasmine but I couldn't find them because they were re-decorating the store. So then eventually I found it on Thursday. yipee :D and when I was about to pay for them, I hand my credit card to the person, and she was just staring at me with a look of shock. I was like confused for a few seconds and I asked what's wrong. So she was like "how old are you?" and her friend who was beside her just laughed and said to her "you're funny" and she told me that I do look young.
So then I told her how old I was and she was still in shock! hahaha it was just funny to see her reaction :p and I took one gift box that looks so cool! you should take it from that store!! it's like a cardboard box and you just push it down to close the box. I don't know how to explain it but you have to see it for yourself! I took one for Jasmine coz she likes it :D then, i just went back to school for my office hour at mathsoc :D
So then saturday, which was yesterday, I went to K-zone with the others because Bryanne was back in town :D woohoo!! we celebrated our bday together :D we had 2 cakes!! I ate like 3 slices (2 from the strawberry cheesequake blizzard) :D it was so yummy!! and made me full!! so now I have to really go to the gym! it's bad if I keep on eating >< so then we went to Mel's :D ate food and then the others left for mar-mar's place to play apples to apples and I just went home and slept. :D very tired :D
So today, I went to King Tin with another group of friends :D hahaha we had a chinese new year dinner. It was awesome :D and I got a fortune cookie. When I was reading it, I was laughing directly. It says:
"There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved"
I just kept on laughing! I find it funny!!! Jasmine said that maybe I just might find that person soon :D *crossing my fingers* well anyways, :D
I want to say thanks to everyone who has been there for me and supporting me throughout my journey :D
my say, cherie, Jen-Jen :D
Angeline, my cutie cousin/sister :D
My mommy and daddy and my sister/bayi :D
Jasmine, Andy, Jonny, Chester, Nicole, Meto, etc.. so many more ><

So these are some of the pics of what's been happening :D this is so AWESOME :D
so my birthday passed by.. so now I'm old >< :( so sad.... well, but it's okay. means that I should be wiser and be better at understanding things :D well anyways...
on my birthday, we went to Ben Thanh :D it was so AWESOME :D and then we went to sweet dreams afterwards and guess what we played??? CLUE!! woohoo!! I love that game so much that Nicole bought me the game :D hehehe and I was trying to get american idol wii karaoke game by saving money and Jasmine got it for me :D Meto bought me a very nice cardigan from AE that I really love :D yipee!!! Andrew, Jeff, Ray got me crocs that has like a layer for winter :D how AWESOME is that?? Chester baked me a Joyce cookie :D hahaha there's like tons of good stuff that I get :D
I feel so lucky!! esp this year and last year :D I keep on getting what I want :D yipee ^^ I have so much luck :D I have to keep this... maybe soon I'll find that person!! :D yay :D
so on thursday (the week of my birthday), I went to the aerie store in Conestoga mall. I was searching for tank tops on tuesday when I went with Jasmine but I couldn't find them because they were re-decorating the store. So then eventually I found it on Thursday. yipee :D and when I was about to pay for them, I hand my credit card to the person, and she was just staring at me with a look of shock. I was like confused for a few seconds and I asked what's wrong. So she was like "how old are you?" and her friend who was beside her just laughed and said to her "you're funny" and she told me that I do look young.
So then I told her how old I was and she was still in shock! hahaha it was just funny to see her reaction :p and I took one gift box that looks so cool! you should take it from that store!! it's like a cardboard box and you just push it down to close the box. I don't know how to explain it but you have to see it for yourself! I took one for Jasmine coz she likes it :D then, i just went back to school for my office hour at mathsoc :D
So then saturday, which was yesterday, I went to K-zone with the others because Bryanne was back in town :D woohoo!! we celebrated our bday together :D we had 2 cakes!! I ate like 3 slices (2 from the strawberry cheesequake blizzard) :D it was so yummy!! and made me full!! so now I have to really go to the gym! it's bad if I keep on eating >< so then we went to Mel's :D ate food and then the others left for mar-mar's place to play apples to apples and I just went home and slept. :D very tired :D
So today, I went to King Tin with another group of friends :D hahaha we had a chinese new year dinner. It was awesome :D and I got a fortune cookie. When I was reading it, I was laughing directly. It says:
"There is only one happiness in life: to love and be loved"
I just kept on laughing! I find it funny!!! Jasmine said that maybe I just might find that person soon :D *crossing my fingers* well anyways, :D
I want to say thanks to everyone who has been there for me and supporting me throughout my journey :D
my say, cherie, Jen-Jen :D
Angeline, my cutie cousin/sister :D
My mommy and daddy and my sister/bayi :D
Jasmine, Andy, Jonny, Chester, Nicole, Meto, etc.. so many more ><
So these are some of the pics of what's been happening :D this is so AWESOME :D
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